He Is Able To Do Immeasurably More Than You Can Imagine

He Is Able To Do Immeasurably More Than You Can Imagine

Do you ever try to put God in a box? The way you “size Him up” in your mind. I do!  I try to figure Him out and predict how and when He’ll work based on my suggestions and ideas.  He simply is too big to fit in our boxy little minds.  And that is a really good thing!

“To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” Ephesians 3:20

I can get fixated on the “immeasurably more” part and assume that God will “super-size” my requests. But God doesn’t always work the way we think that He should.

Instead, what if we trust that “He is able.”  However He chooses.  Whenever He knows it is best. I will trust in the One who always works beyond our imagination. Outside of the box. He is able.  That brings me peace.    – Sandi