Listen For God’s Whisper. He’s Holding On To You

Listen For God’s Whisper. He’s Holding On To You

Are you feeling any of these emotions today? Fear. Exhaustion. Discouragement. Regret. If so, you’re not alone. And, you’re not beyond God’s care and compassion.

“Elijah was afraid…I have had enough, Lord…Take my life…” 1 Kings 19:3-4

I love the honesty of Elijah. He was faithful. Obedient to God. And then he reached the end of his rope. But God hadn’t…He was still holding on. 

God didn’t let go of Elijah just because he was exhausted and discourage. God told him to rest and eat. Then God spoke to him in a gentle whisper. 

Here’s some good news for your weary soul:  God understands when you think you can’t go on. Even then, you can call out to Him and allow Him to meet your needs. Physically and emotionally. And in time, when your heart and mind have healed, He will speak to you and show you the next steps in His loving plan for your life.  God cares. God provides. God whispers. He’s holding on to you.  – Sandi