When You Don’t Know What To Say, God Has A Promise For You

When You Don’t Know What To Say, God Has A Promise For You

  “Will God still love me if I ________________?”  A listener called in recently with a question I didn’t expect.  It was delicate for both her to ask and for me to answer.   I closed my eyes and asked the Holy Spirit to give me words, because I didn’t want to misstep or hurt her feelings.

What if you don’t have to worry about “messing it up” when you are sharing God’s love with someone?

“…Don’t worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time, you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
Matthew 10:19-20

I love this reminder. God provides everything: the opportunity to share His love and the words needed. You don’t have to be afraid or shy away from sharing. God has promised that His Spirit will speak through you. If the opportunity arises today, trust that God is already working. And He promises to give you the words that are needed. He is faithful. – Sandi