Life is hard. Whether you feel like a warrior or not, you are in a battle. With an enemy that doesn’t fight fair. So, what can we do? Remember that God provides everything you need for the battle you will face today.
“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
Ephesians 6:11
If you feel unprepared or overwhelmed, remember that God is in the battle with you and for you. He doesn’t leave you defenseless or to face the battle alone.
God is with you, fights for you and equips you to stand up to the enemy’s schemes. Read Ephesians 6 and learn about the armor of God. He never intended for you to fight alone or without His Word and Spirit. If you’re feeling defeated, stay in the fight. Reach for your armor. Stand firm. And battle on. – Sandi