…But God Intended It For My Good

…But God Intended It For My Good

 Unfair.  Unexpected. We’ve all been on the receiving end of something that we didn’t deserve.  If you’re in that situation right now, this reminder is for you.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50: 20

It took years and a lot of water under the bridge for Joseph to see God’s hand on his life. He was mistreated. Wrongly imprisoned. Abandoned. And, in time, he still concluded that God was working through it all. 

God is just and doesn’t condone wrong. He is also always working out His good and perfect plan in your life.  And the world.  Today may feel unfair. But you are still in God’s care. Trust His timing. And His ability to work good out of every situation. Your life included.