A Grasshopper’s Faith Is All You Need!

A Grasshopper’s Faith Is All You Need!

  Do you struggle with self-doubt? Insecurity, fear, or anxiety? Me too. I used to think that it had no bearing on my faith journey. I was wrong. Here’s what I’ve discovered: left unchecked, self-doubt leads to God-doubt.

“We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Numbers 13:33

Moses sent spies to explore the land that God promised them. The spies had self-doubt. They saw the size of the enemy and immediately felt small.

Comparison and fear took root in their hearts. They focused more on their own insecurities than on God’s promises. When that happens, fear wins. 

Fortunately, Caleb spoke up and reminded them-and us- of these truths: The Lord is with us and we have nothing to fear.  From one grasshopper to another, may faith be bigger than your fear today! – Sandi