You Have Something To Give That Someone Else Needs. 

You Have Something To Give That Someone Else Needs. 

 You have something to give that someone else needs. I was in Guatemala a couple of years ago and a pastor told me how he challenged every person in his church to give something away to someone who was in need. By the way, they were all very poor and some were former gang members. He shared this verse with them.

“A poor widow…put in two very small coins, worth only a fraction of a penny…Jesus said …”She has put in more than all the others…They gave out of their wealth; but she gave out of her poverty…” Mark 12:43

He said it was so powerful for his church to realize that even though they were poor, they had something to offer. Something significant in the Kingdom to give. It changed the way they saw themselves and God.

You may feel like you have nothing to give. Or that you are the one in need. But what if God is calling you to trust Him with what you have to offer? What is it? Kindness? Compassion? Even if it costs you something, trust God with it. He will bless you. And them. – Sandi