Jesus, Please Do Something. I Trust Your Plan More Than Mine.

Jesus, Please Do Something. I Trust Your Plan More Than Mine.

 Have you ever gotten to the point that you don’t even know what to pray? You simply want God to take the pain away? Jesus understands. He’s been there. 

“Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me.
Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
Mark 14:36

Jesus was hours away from facing the cross. His prayer was full of honesty and pain. And surrender. This is a “go to” verse for me when I don’t know what to pray. Or when I desperately want another path. 

Jesus asked for help. And then He surrendered His will to God’s plan. 

What a model for us. We can ask God for anything. And then trust Him to know and do what is best.

The Jesus way is wanting His way above our own. Trusting Him when the future is uncertain.

 May that be the posture of our hearts and prayers today. God, please do something. And we trust your will and plan above our own. – Sandi