When Did God Become Real To You?

When Did God Become Real To You?

Maybe your story is like mine. I grew up hearing about Jesus and as a child, I believed that God was real. But there was a day and time when my “hearing” became “knowing.”

“My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” Job 42:5

For me, it was when I was 17 years old. I prayed to the God that I had heard about and asked Him to be real in my life…to take over the mess of my life. And I surrendered my life to Him. I began to see Him working in my thoughts and heart. And He became real to me in a whole new way. I knew He was real because I saw Him working in and through me. 

That is how we go from hearing about God to knowing Him. We believe in what we’ve heard about Him…that He is God of all and sent His Son for us. Then we respond to His love by giving Him control of our lives. May you see evidence of who God is today. There is nothing better than seeing God work in and your life. – Sandi