Getting to Know Lauren Daigle with the JOY FM Morning Show
There is way more complexity and more to Lauren Daigle than any of us know! You know her hit songs such as “You Say” or her new single, “Thank God I Do.” But how well do you know Lauren Daigle? Today we’re pulling back the curtain a little bit to get to know her a little bit better.

As promised, it is time to get to know one of our favorite artists on Joy FM on the phone, the one and only Lauren Daigle.
Lauren Daigle:
Good morning. How are y’all?
We’re great. We just thought a lot of our listeners might know your music really well, but not know you really well, so we’re going to pretend we’re sitting on your front porch and we’re just getting to know Lauren Daigle.
Lauren Daigle:
Oh, I love it. That’s great.
All right. Is it true that ice cream is part of your love language?
Lauren Daigle:
If I need a solid, pick me up, that’s where we’re going. We’re going to get ice cream.
All right. What’s your go-to?
Lauren Daigle:
Okay. I love anything that involves chocolate. I am such a chocolate fan, but I also like the quirky flavors, any of like lavender, cardamon, like interesting flavors like that I really enjoy too.
All right. Here’s another one. Getting to know you. Do you collect anything or did you ever as a kid?
Lauren Daigle:
I do. I collect letters, so when people actually send letters from family members and stuff like that who have sent letters for years and years and years, I keep them all. I have boxes of people’s letters.
All right. Maybe a serious question here, and then maybe we’ll follow back with another fun one, and that is, when did you get an idea that the path God had for you, can we just say is atypical? When did you get that first glimpse, like, “Whoa, I think he’s doing something here?”
Lauren Daigle:
Ooh. When I went to American Idol the very first time, that was kind of this moment of realizing, “Wait, I can sing. I didn’t even know. I just sang in our church choir,” and I really was kind of just a choir girl, and I remember going to American Idol and being like, “Okay, God, I’m just riding this wave as long as you want to take me.” He would also give me dreams and visions prior to American Idol of different stages and different tours, and I remember thinking, I’m either losing my mind and getting cabin fever, or this is what the Lord is trying to show me. Fast-forward 15 years later and I’m currently talking to you in the middle of the visions that He revealed to me. So yeah.
Well, as you mentioned, your career has just exploded and gone a lot of places you didn’t see it coming. What’s still on your bucket list, like professionally and personally?
Lauren Daigle:
Well, professionally, I hope that I’m like Dolly Parton able to sing till I’m old and still vibrant and loving life, and I hope that I’m always making records. For me, it’s just the beauty of creating and getting to share the message of hope. And then I would love to go to law school and figure out how to rewrite legislature for child advocacy here in the US and from the personal sense, I would love to work on a farm one day.
The only lawyer on a farm.
Lauren Daigle:
I’d love to milk a cow.
This went exactly as I thought it would. I thought that there would be more complexity and more to Lauren Daigle than any of us knew. I just want to say just to affirm the courage you have to follow wherever God’s dreams that he’s implanted in you and the desires that he’s put in your heart to go. So thanks for being courageous. Thanks for not being afraid. Thanks for singing and doing whatever else he leads you to do, and thanks for the time today and giving us a glimpse into who you really are.
Lauren Daigle:
Oh, thank you. Thank you for those words. Just hearing you say that is fuel in the fire. It really is. It’s funny because the further along you go into things, the more doubt creeps in. It’s strange how I feel like that’s just the enemy’s playground is the further along, the more successful you become, the more he can use doubt to tell you, “Maybe you shouldn’t be doing this.” And just hearing you say that is very, very encouraging, so thank you.
I feel like the more you have to lose, that fear can creep in when you’re starting and you have nothing to lose, “Sure. God. All right. Yes,” and in the minute there are all these other expectations, it just gets so loud and foggy. I hear you. I can see that. So yeah, I appreciate your heart and the courage to follow Him wherever He takes you, Lauren, so…
Lauren Daigle:
Thank you. Thank you, thank you. I’m so grateful this was timely. I appreciate you and your words, and just listening to the Holy Spirit.
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