Lent and Ash Wednesday Explained | with Matt Maher

Lent and Ash Wednesday Explained | with Matt Maher

Have you ever wondered why some people skip the meat on Fridays during Lent or what’s up with the ashes on Ash Wednesday? One of our favorite JOY FM artists, Matt Maher, broke it down in a way that’s super relatable, and honestly, it makes you see these traditions in a whole new light.

View this video with Matt Maher, and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

Why no meat on Friday?

So, about not eating meat on Fridays…

Matt says it’s like a mini-fast, a nod to the day Jesus died. It’s not just about ditching meat; it’s about making space for something bigger, like a spiritual reset.

“It’s a denial of self […] It’s making room for His grace. And so abstaining from meat on Fridays became sort of another way in which we’re once again taking time throughout this journey towards Easter to really consider the gift of what Jesus has done for us.”

It’s like skipping a bit of comfort to open up to something deeper.

Ashes on foreheads, explained.

And those ashes you see folks wearing on their foreheads at the start of Lent?

They’re actually burned-up palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. Back in the day, palms were a big deal, symbolizing victory and even rebellion. When Jesus rolled into Jerusalem with everyone waving palms, it was like a silent shout for change.

Wearing those ashes? It’s a reminder we’re all in this fleeting life together, but there’s hope in what comes next.

“It’s a reminder of our mortality. Nobody’s getting out of here alive except through Christ. And It is an outward expression of faith in the gospel. And it is in some ways sort of a counter-cultural thing of being signed.”
-Matt Maher

If this all sounds a bit intense, that’s kind of the point. Lent’s a time to dial back and dig deep, leading up to Easter. It’s about more than just giving things up—it’s about getting closer to the heart of what matters.

Whether it’s your first time checking out Ash Wednesday or you’re just looking to deepen your Lenten journey, think of it as your spiritual spring cleaning. Clear out the clutter, make room for more meaning, and let this season be one of remembering what Jesus did for you.

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