People in St. Louis Are Finding Jesus! Here's How.

People in St. Louis Are Finding Jesus! Here's How.

God has JOY FM in St. Louis to reach the city. Not long ago, we did a research project asking people in St. Louis who don’t listen to JOY FM what they’re looking for in life. They said they want less stress, more peace, and more joy. They’re looking for something, but they don’t know where to find it. Yet.

The Campaign is Underway!

Outreach Pillar 1: Face to Face

The Summer JOY Squad is reaching hundreds of families through face-to-face interactions at kids’ camps and vacation bible schools all over the area. We want to make sure that kids AND their parents know how to find joy!

The good news? It’s working! During Christian Day at the Ballpark in June, a mom and daughter shared their story. After a day at her church camp, the young girl came home and said, “Mom, have you ever heard of JOY FM? You need to listen.” So her mom did. Now, her entire family listens to JOY FM, and it all started because one child heard about JOY FM at a kid’s camp! Thousands of kids (and their families) are finding JOY this summer!

Christian Day at the Ballpark Cardinals and JOY FM

Outreach Pillar 2: Billboards

Billboards are a great way to reach people in our city. Beginning in mid-August, billboards will blanket the STL metro area in the most visible spots. Where to place them is important, but their message is what really matters.

Over the last several months, several concepts were created and shared with a research group. The goal was to ensure the billboard messages will resonate with those we’re trying to reach. The research group selected, “Choose Joy” and the “why” behind choosing joy.

Life is messy. So, I’m choosing joy.

For my family. I choose joy

For a better day. I choose joy.

Outreach Pillar 3: Summer Olympics on KSDK

The Summer Olympics are coming to KSDK, and so is JOY FM. Our partnership with KSDK will provide an outreach opportunity reaching hundreds of thousands of people, all of whom will be invited to “Choose Joy”!

Thank You.

Thank you for supporting JOY FM. Not only giving to keep JOY FM on the air, but for this massive outreach effort to reach our city.

We simply want to say thank you. Your giving keeps JOY FM on the air, and now your giving has made this massive outreach effort a reality in our city.  We have one more ask. Would you join us in praying that God does what only He can do? This is big. It’s taking all of us to do it, but we can’t do what only He can do: touch hearts and bring people to Himself. That’s the heart behind all of this, yours and ours. So thank you for giving. Thank you for praying.

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Theresa George
Theresa George
6 months ago

Wonderful! Grateful to be part of a ministry that makes such a positive impact!

Madison Russom
Madison Russom
6 months ago

Wow. This is amazing. St Louis needs more things like this!

Mindy Bernal
Mindy Bernal
6 months ago

Joy 99,
I was so excited to see all the billboards as I drove over to St. Louis from Belleville, Il. I counted 3 billboards and announced each one. (My husband was driving:). I was excited to be a part of the mission through giving. But, I was most excited when I saw the bill board outside Scott AFB. I get to see the message each day. Thanks for being a good friend and community!