A God Wink Is Good For The Soul

A God Wink Is Good For The Soul

 “God winks.”  Have you experienced them? The unexpected moments when God reveals a smidge of what He’s doing in our lives.  It is when your heart realizes anew what your mind forgot…that God is always close and He is always working. 

“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” Genesis 28:16

Jacob went to sleep, like any other night. But God spoke to him in a dream. It was unexpected and personal. It was a “God wink.” 

You may not feel like God is working in your life or in the world right now. Or you may be tempted to believe that He is distant or not even real. 

I pray that you experience a “God wink” today. A personal reminder for your heart that God is closer than you think. The much-needed reminder that He sees you and is working in your life and all around you.  Ask God to reveal Himself to you today.  A “God wink” is good for the soul. – Sandi