Are You Stuck? It’s Time To Reset

Are You Stuck? It’s Time To Reset

 Do you feel stuck in your relationship with God? You’re not as close to Him as you want to be, but you’re unsure why? Or what to do?

“…the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” Mark 4:19

Sometimes I need a “reset” in my mind and heart. I don’t intend to drift…but I do. This verse is a good “gut check” for my soul. Do I give more time and attention to fear and worry than to His Word? Am I chasing and longing for other things more than desiring to be like Jesus? What has the attention and affection of my mind and heart? 

Whatever we feed…grows. So, perhaps it is time to starve a few things, like worry. And focus more on growing faith and trust.  Ask God for a “reset” and a renewed desire for Him and His word.  May every lesser thing fall away.  And may God grow our faith and trust as only He can do.  – Sandi