Don’t Let Your Past Mistakes Rob You Of God’s Love And Forgiveness

Don’t Let Your Past Mistakes Rob You Of God’s Love And Forgiveness

  Have you ever disappointed God? I have. More times than I can count. What is God’s response when we miss the mark…again and again?

 I love the reminder tucked in the story of when Peter denied Jesus. The cross was close. The cost was high for Jesus and anyone who knew Him. Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him…not just once, but three times.

“Before the rooster crows twice, you will disown me three times.” And Peter broke down and wept. Mark 14:72

One of Jesus’ closest friends denied him. Multiple times.

And it wasn’t the end of their relationship.  Because Jesus understands our weakness. He knows that we have and will disappoint Him. He loves us anyway. He takes us back anyway. 

Peter was one of the first people that Jesus sought out after being raised from the dead. He loved Peter… still. And the same is true for you today. Don’t let your past mistakes rob you of God’s love and forgiveness. – Sandi