It Is The Heart Of God To Love You. Even Though It Cost Him Everything.

It Is The Heart Of God To Love You. Even Though It Cost Him Everything.

You don’t have to perform or be “good enough” to earn God’s love. His affection for you isn’t based on the number of good things outweighing the bad things that you do. He knows the best and worst about you. And loves you still. 

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

It is the heart of God, to love you. But what I often forget is that His love for me, cost Him everything. 

For a perfect, Holy God to love selfish, sinful people like you and me, He had to make a way for our sin to be dealt with. He loved us enough to make a way. His son paid the price.  

As you ponder and embrace God’s love today, remember that it cost Him something to love you. I can’t quite wrap my mind around it. His perfect, relentless…costly love.  But I’m so thankful for it! -Sandi