Lessons Learned From A Miracle Moment With Jesus

Lessons Learned From A Miracle Moment With Jesus

I don’t think the first miracle that Jesus performed was the most life changing one for those around Him, but what if it pointed to who Jesus was and still is?

“Nearby stood six stone water jars…each holding 20-30 gallons.
Jesus said, “Fill the jars with water”… They did so… and the water turned into wine.” 
John 2:6-9

I don’t understand why turning water into wine was what Jesus chose as His first miracle. It wasn’t a life and death situation. It was a wedding where they ran out of wine. I don’t know how everyone reacted that night. But this is how I want to respond to Jesus today:

He is the God who can turn empty into full.

He is One who turns ordinary things into the best surprises.

He can turn a crisis into a celebration.

And we can trust Him.

Take your need to Him. He cares. He responds. He is God. – Sandi