Stubborn To Surrender

Stubborn To Surrender

Why do we have a default setting called “stubborn?” I see it in my life when I don’t want to admit that I’m wrong. Or when I “dig in” and try to do my own thing instead of listening to God.

“He looked at them in anger and was deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts…” Mark 3:5

I’ve never thought about my stubbornness in this way: It distresses and angers God. Ouch. I think it hurts his heart so much because when we’re stubborn, we’re not surrendered. There is little room for His Spirit to take lead. Our will is in charge instead of His Spirit.

I don’t want a stubborn heart, toward God or anyone else. I want an open and surrendered heart because that gives God full reign to work and lead.

I pray God tenderizes our hearts and minds today. May we choose surrender instead of stubborn. – Sandi